4.0 ( 3950 ratings )
Nástroje Produktivita
Vývojář: ZulCon
9.99 USD


An application for the calculation of PVT properties for Oil & Gas professionals.

This app is based on correlations used for the calculations of the following properties:
- Bubble Point Pressure
- Gas Solubility
- Oil Volume Factor
- Dead and Saturated Oil Viscosities

For each of these properties, the app has the option of using several correlations:

- For Bubble Point Pressure: Standing, Vazquez-Beggs, Glaso, Marhoun, Petrosky-Farshad

- For Gas Solubility: Standing, Glaso, Vazquez-Beggs, Marhoun, Petrosky-Farshad, and a Rigorous Method

- For Oil Volume Factor: Standing, Vazquez-Beggs, Glaso, Marhoun, Petrosky-Farshad, and Material Balance

- For Dead Oil Viscosity: Beggs-Robinson, Beal, Glaso

- For Saturated Oil Viscosity: Beggs-Robinson and Chew-Connally

The results from the calculations generate a report that can be saved and emailed.